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Enhancement of Constant Attendant Allowance CAA Under CCS Extraordinary Pension Rules, 1939/2023: A Small Step Towards Better Pension Benefits for Employees

BY Postal Corner

Constant Attendant Allowance CAA Under CCS Extraordinary Pension Rules
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Enhancement of Constant Attendant Allowance CAA under CCS Extraordinary Pension Rules, 1939/2023.

No. 4-1(8) / 2024 – Pension

Government of India

Ministry of Communication

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Department of Posts (Pension Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg

New Delhi — 110001

Dated: 13 Nov, 2024


All Heads of Postal Circles

Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate

All Regional Postmasters General Director, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad

All Directors/Dy. Directors of Accounts (Postal)

Subject: Enhancement of Constant Attendant Allowance CAA under CCS Extraordinary Pension Rules, 1939/2023-reg.


I am directed to forward herewith a copy of the O.M. No. 1/5/2024-P&PW(F)-9809 dated 18.09.2024 of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions regarding the aforementioned subject for information and necessary compliance.

Yours faithfully,

Amit Ranjan

Assistant Director General (Pension)

Encls.: As above (2 pages)

Copy along with enclosures to:

1. PPS to Secretary (Posts)/DG(Posts)

2. PPS to Member (Banking & DBT) / Plg.& HRD/Tech./Pers./Ops./PLI/Addl. DG(Cord.)

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3. AS & FA/ Sr. DDG(PAF) 4. Secretary (PSB)/All DDsG

5. All Regional Postmasters General/GM(G)/DA(P)/DDA(P)

6. All Postal Training Centres 7. Director, CEPT Mysore-for uploading on the official website of the Dept. Of Posts 8. Guard File

Source: CEPT

Improvement in Constant Attendant Allowance CAA Under CCS Extraordinary Pension Rules, 1939/2023: A Small Step Towards Better Pension Benefits for Employees

Enhancement of Constant Attendant Allowance CAA under CCS Extraordinary Pension Rules, 1939/2023.

The Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts, has recently issued an important update on the escalation of Constant Attendant Allowance CAA under CCS Extraordinary Pension Rules, 1939/2023. The update marks the culmination of the various continuing measures adopted by the government to improve the welfare and benefits of postal employees as well as those entitled to pension under these rules.

Key Highlights of the Notification:

The Department of Posts issued letters to all Heads of Postal Circles, Chief General Managers of all the different directorates, Regional Postmasters General, and other officials communicating about the increase in the Constant Attendant Allowance. The Constant Attendant Allowance is a part of pensionary benefits under the CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules. It is a rule made to deliver pensions and allowances to the government workers at the time of their retirement or being provided with a pension due to exceptional conditions.

Communication also specifically refers to Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. 1/5/2024-P&PW(F)-9809 of dated 18.09.2024 issued by Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions detailing enhancement for enhancing such pension arrangements for eligible employees falling under such guidelines.

Role of CAA (Constant Attendant Allowance)

Constant Attendant Allowance This is a special allowance given to pensioners having the requirement of constant medical or personal care due to certain physical or mental incapacities. It is a very essential part of their pension where this allowance helps them with the expenditure of maintaining personal attendants.

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This increase will come like a big relief to the pensioners who depend wholly on this allowance for their daily activity. The amount these pensioners are going to receive, which is going to give them more security financially, can be quite high for personal care costs. However, specifically what comprises this increase in the sense of the new CAA rates published by means of the circular and shall take effect on the date of publication.

Ensuring Compliance Across Postal Circles

This upgradation the Department of Posts has issued an order to implement the same across all Postal Circles and concerned regions. And the officers of the Postal Circles along with other concerned departments’ officials have been ordered to bring compliance in effect for this very reason. This involves communicating to all concerned persons, and it also involves the adjustment of the pension calculations for employees who would fall within this upgradation.

Implications for Postal Pensioners

Adjustment of this allowance is seen as good news for pensioners, especially the dependent constant attendant allowance recipients. This would demonstrate the commitment of government concerning the retired postal employees: wholesome post-retirement financial assistance. Indeed, such adjustment will significantly change the living conditions of the pensioners who depend on the said allowance for their day-to-day care.

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The enhancement of the Constant Attendant Allowance CAA under CCS Extraordinary Pension Rules, 1939/2023 is an enhanced move toward improving pension benefits for retired postal employees. This is along with more government efforts that envisage giving adequate support to old pensioners, especially the disabled. This improvement would bring old age pensioners under postal a better financial provision to lead their retired lives in dignity and comfort.

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